City News

Updated Street Repair Map Works/Horn Lake Streets Year 2 Phase 1 _ 2 Map_10-1-2024(1).pdf

AMR Drive by Meter Installation


  • Meter replacements will occur Monday – Friday beginning at 8am 
  • Most days crews will end by 5pm some days could be longer and/or shorter depending on the weather
  • Typically, installation will be completed in 20 minutes
  • During this time water service will be temporarily unavailable
  • Technicians will knock on doors before starting work and willproceed with the replacement if no one answers, providingthere are no signs of active water usage
  • After the installation, residents are encouraged to run an outdoorspigot or bathtub cold faucet to flush any sediment from the line
  • The schedule may be impacted by weather or other unforeseencircumstances
  • For more details on the project and its benefits, call the utility office at 662-393-0249

Polling Places App Link and Sample Ballot for the upcoming municipal elections

2025 Sample Ballots

DeSoto County Polling Locations App 


City Hall will be closed on the following Federal and State Holidays

City Hall will be coincide with Federal and State Holidays 


  • New Year’s Day (January 1st)
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (3rd Monday in January)
  • Presidents’ Day (3rd Monday in February)
  • Good Friday (Friday before Easter)
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • Independence Day (July 4th)
  • Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
  • Veterans’ Day (November 11th)
  • Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in November)
  • Day before/after Thanksgiving as may be proclaimed by the Governor and approved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
  • Day before/after Christmas as may be proclaimed by the Governor and approved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
  • Christmas (December 25th)
  • And any other day so proclaimed by the Governor and approved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
  • Holidays that occur on a Saturday or Sunday would fall on the preceding Friday or Monday or following the holiday.

2024 Ward Redistricting Plan

Cabling Crews

The Citizens of Horn Lake we have been informed of numerous issues

around the city dealing with crews burying cables.  

Please continue to let us know using our report a concern tool below.

Welcome to the Official Website of Horn Lake, Mississippi - Report a Concern 

Below are some helpful information and links to help all of us 

report these concerns to the proper companies

and commercial crews doing the work.

We hope you find these sites helpful voicing your concerns to the proper Vendor or Company.


property damage request

Let's gather some information about who you are and how we can contact you regarding this issue.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This form should only be used for construction issues that are not an emergency. If damage exists to electrical, gas, water or sewer lines, please contact the emergency services of your utility provider immediately. If you need any other type of assistance, please click here.


Website for Reporting Below

General Information | C Spire Home Services


Report unburied cables, exposed wires, or downed lines

Let us know if you find downed or uncovered wires or cables in your area.

Downed or obstructed lines

Did you find drooping wires, downed lines, or AT&T equipment in a yard or on the street? Let us know. Call us anytime at 800.288.2020.

Have AT&T service? Provide your account info and say, Line is down. 

Don’t have AT&T service? Say No account. 

When asked if you want to order new service, say No. 

Then, to let us know why you're calling, say Line is down. 

Heads up: Extreme weather or other factors can bring down lines, including electrical lines. 

Never approach a downed wire yourself. Always call your local authorities in an emergency.

Unburied cables or exposed wires

Report an issue

Chat with us

Call 800.288.2020

Website for Reporting Below

Report Unburied Cables, Exposed Wires, or Downed Lines - AT&T Internet Customer Support ( Check an issue already reported.


When an underground cable line needs to be installed or replaced

Has a technician told you that we need to replace or install the underground cable line used to provide Xfinity services to your home? If so, you probably have a lot of questions. This article will provide more information on what you can expect.

Cable lines may be underground or above ground and normally follow the same path as the utility service lines to your home. If you have questions about an above-ground cable line or have issues with a cable line replacement, contact us.

How it begins

In most cases, when your home is built, an underground cable line is installed to bring Xfinity services to your home.

In some instances, the line may not have been installed or it could have been damaged and needs to be replaced.

What to expect:

  1. Technician Visit to Your Home: During the visit, if our technician determines that a new underground cable line needs to be installed, they submit a request for an underground crew to replace the underground cable line.
    • They may have some basic questions about your yard, such as:
      • Do you have a sprinkler system?
      • Is there an invisible dog fence?
      • Would you like to be home when we are doing the work?
  2. Underground Request Submitted and Potential Temporary Line Installed:Our technician may also run a temporary cable line to ensure you continue to have Xfinity service until your underground cable line is installed.
    • If there are no delays, it can take up to 14 business days from the date the technician places the order for your underground cable line to be installed or replaced.
  3. Communications to You:To keep you informed about the work we’re doing, we'll text and/or email you throughout the process of replacing or installing your underground cable line. It is completed in stages.
    • You can also check on our progress by visiting and clicking on the banner message at the top of the page for more details.
  4. Underground Utilities Locate Request Is Submitted (If Applicable): Before our underground crew comes to your home, an order will be placed by the local Dig Safe (811) company to your local utilities (e.g., electric and gas companies) so they can mark where their utility lines are buried underground.
    • The utility companies' locators use flags, spray paint or chalk that eventually washes away.
      • This work must be completed before we can start digging, as it helps ensure that we don't damage any utility lines in the process.
    • Note: You’re responsible for marking where any sprinkler system, electric dog fences, and/or private lighting, electric or gas lines are located to prevent them from being damaged. 
  5. Utilities Are Marked (If Applicable): Once the utility companies' locators mark where their lines are, we're notified that it's safe for us to begin.
  6. Underground Crew Assigned and Work Is Scheduled:Once the utilities lines are marked, our underground crew comes out and installs the new underground cable line.
    • If you requested to be home for the work or if you have pets or locked gates, we'll contact you to schedule the work.
    • If you didn't request to be home, we'll notify you of the date range when the work should be completed.
  7. Underground Cable Line Completed:Your underground cable line has been installed or repaired.
    • If a temporary cable line was set up, it will be removed.


Unfortunately, we do encounter occasional delays. Delays can be caused by:

  • Permits:In some communities, we're required to apply for and receive a permit before we can replace the underground cable line.
    • Permit approvals can take between five and 30 days.
  • Weather Conditions:Weather conditions, such as snow and rain, can impact both the equipment used to bury the cable line and the ground conditions in such a way that we're unable to dig.
    • Since weather is unpredictable, the amount of time these delays may cause is also unpredictable.
  • Underground Utilities Locates (If Applicable):All utilities must either mark their lines or let us know they have no lines where we are digging.
    • Delays can happen in the survey process performed by public utilities.
  • Other Issues:Other delays can be caused by special events, area construction, etc. that may limit our access, or we may need other equipment to perform the work at your home.
    • In the event of one of these delays, you'll be contacted by our underground crew who will explain the issue as well as provide an estimated time for completing the work.


If you still have questions regarding the status of the installation of your new underground cable line, please contact us.

Website for Reporting Below

Xfinity Utility Work Reporting

Easement rights policy (

New Water Quality Reports 2023

Holiday Pickup Schedule

Holiday Trash Pickup Schedule acknowledges the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Fourth of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

If any of the above holidays falls within the business week of Monday – Friday, the trash service will not run on the day of the holiday and trash service will resume the following day which will cause the remaining days of the week to run a day behind as well. (EXAMPLE: IF HOLIDAY FALLS ON A THURSDAY, THERE WILL BE NO TRASH SERVICE FOR THURSDAY AND THURSDAY’S SERVICE WILL BE RUN ON FRIDAY AND FRIDAY’S SERVICE WILL BE RUN ON SATURDAY).  If you are ever in doubt about the upcoming holiday schedule of your trash service, please contact the Utility Office for more information.

Main Menu
General Information
Utilities Department
8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday
3101 Goodman Road West
After Hours: 901-652-1308
Meridian Waste Collection
Customer Care
Asst. Utility Director
Deputy City Court Clerk
Rodney Nash
Utility Clerk
Sandra Barron
Utility Clerk
Keri Kendall
Utility Clerk
Ashley Jeter
Phone Numbers
662-393-0249 662-342-3480
Fax: 662-342-3476
Emergencies: Dial 911
3101 Goodman Road West
Horn Lake,

Monday - Friday
8 am - 5 pm
Saturday - Sunday