How Do I?

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Frequently Asked Questions
Apply for a Job?

Check out our job listings, and follow any application instructions.

Contact the City?

City of Horn Lake

3101 Goodman Rd W

Horn Lake, MS 38637

(662) 393-6178

Contact us online

Report a Streetlight Outage?

Follow this link to report a street light out - Entergy Mississippi  or call the office of the Mayor at 662-342-3502.

Make Online Payments?

Utility & Sanitation Payments -  Horn Lake EZ-Pay website

Court Citation Payments - Syscon Online

Report a Concern?

If this is an Emergency please dial 911 for assistance

You can report a concern using our online form.

Start a Business?

Contact the planning department at 662-393-6705.

One of the first things you will have to do is procure a business license from the planning department. The steps you will need to take from there depend on the type of business you plan on starting.

How do I report a pothole concern/complaint?

To report a pot hole concern/complaint, please email AJ Linville at  Please include your name, address, phone, location and date where it occurred and any photos you may have.  Please confirm your email if asked to ensure your email is delivered appropriately.  It typically takes 24-48 hours to receive a phone call from the insurance agency.  

You can report a concern using our online form.